Is a “word of the year” really necessary?

Is a "word of the year" actually necessary? Click to read more.

I never thought I needed a “word of the year.” Honestly, the concept always seemed more like a trendy resolution alternative than something meaningful. Life has enough pressure without picking one word to dictate how I’m supposed to grow or evolve over the next 12 months. But this year, something shifted.

It wasn’t about trends or goals. It wasn’t about striving. It was about surrender.

I felt God whispering a word into my spirit: flourish.

At first, I dismissed it. What does it even mean to “flourish”? Isn’t that for people whose lives are already perfectly curated, filled with success and beauty? My life feels more like floundering that flourishing most days. Between homeschooling, work, and the countless hats I wear, it’s more of a juggling act than a garden in bloom.

But the word wouldn’t leave me. It gently nudged its way into my thoughts during quiet moments. I began to notice it in scripture, in conversations, and even in the smallest details of my day. It wasn’t a command to become something; it was a confirmation of what God is already doing.

Flourishing is not perfection.

It’s growth. It’s surrender. Flourishing is ongoing. It’s trusting that even in the messiness of life, God is working in ways I cannot yet see.

I think back to the moments this past year when I’ve felt buried. Times when I wondered if anything good could come from the overwhelming demands on my time and energy. But maybe being “buried” was just the beginning of being planted. Maybe, just maybe, this is what it feels like to grow roots deep enough to sustain the beauty God is cultivating.

So, is a word of the year necessary? No. It’s not a rule, a mandate, or a spiritual shortcut. But for me, this year, it’s been a gift. A word that reminds me to look for God’s hand in the smallest details. A word that assures me I’m not in this alone.

Maybe you’re someone who poo-poos the idea of a word of the year, like I used to. Or maybe you’ve picked a word every year and wondered if it even matters. Wherever you are, I encourage you to pause and listen. Not for what you should do but for what God might already be doing.

For me, this year, the word is flourish. And I can’t wait to see how God brings it to life.

What about you? Do you have a word this year? Or maybe you’re resisting the idea altogether. Either way — it’s okay.

If you feel led to find out your word of the year, Dayspring has a neat word of the year generator. Click below to give it a whirl!


Is a "word of the year" actually necessary? Click to read more.

Regina is a writer, homeschooling mom, and owner of a soul food catering business. She is the host of the Pray to Play podcast, where she shares practical tips and heartfelt advice for parents navigating the busy world of athletics. A contributor to several publications, including Tracie Miles' Living Unbroken book study, she is also an advocate for young adults with developmental disabilities and serves on the Compel Pro volunteer leadership team. Living in Ohio with her family, she designs Squarespace websites for fellow creatives and spends her free time cheering her sons from the sidelines or sipping tea while chatting about God’s goodness with women.


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